Dorota Gorniak
773 294 0433
773 294 0433
847 692 6179



Click here for CITY information that includes :

Chicago Sales History at a Glance, with current price information and 10 years of sales growth data for condo's/townhomes, homes, and 2- to 4-flats for every neighborhood of Chicago.

Condo and Townhome Pricing Profiles--detailed reports that show how prices vary by area and size.

Single-Family Home Pricing Profiles--that show how prices vary not just by size but also by condition.


Chicago in 25 Maps, providing what we think may be the best maps for real estate shopping in Chicago.


Chicago Neighborhood Boundaries with the specific boundaries for over 150 neighborhoods in the city.


Census Tract maps, one that shows the north side and one that shows the south side.


School Boundaries—an online source you can check for any address in the city.


Other Neighborhood Information—several websites we think you will find especially of value as you explore the best neighborhood to invest in.

Click here for SUBURBAN information with:

Condo and Townhome Profiles--detailed reports that show how prices vary by area and size.

Single-Family Home Profiles--that show how prices vary not just by size but also by condition.

Other Neighborhood Information—several websites we think you will find especially of value as you explore the best neighborhood to invest in